It's important you know what we do and who we are.

we are your business value maximization ninjas.

You're already good at what you do, perhaps you've even won a couple of industry awards ... but the business is not heading in the right direction for you to maximize your efforts, not to mention succession planning. What's that I hear you ask?

- succession planning -

Succession Planning is a whole lot more than simply what the future may look like, it's also about what you need to be taking action on right now, to maximize profits and accelerate value creation.

Identify Value

What do you do better then anyone else? We'll help identify where the value is trapped inside you and your business.

protect value

Don't wait till after you've created massive value to protect it. Set up a fortress of security for you, your team and your family.

maximize value

Shift focus and energy onto value creation acceleration activities.

Extract value

We ensure that all value transfer options are understood, available and maximized.

manage value

This is the 'after' phase. Setting you and your family up for enduring financial comfort and certainty.

- your team -

We have lot's of grey hair and believe us, we've earned it. Never mind the 10,000 hours rule, collectively we've been doing this for over 100 years.

ash playsted

Founder & Head of Strategy

Ash has lived his entire professional life of 40+ years inside the finance and credit industry. His depth of knowledge and insight is unparalleled. He has written thousands of loans, hired and trained hundreds of brokers, built national partnerships, won several national awards, built-scaled-exited multiple businesses. In short he's been there and done that.

sarah jamieson

General Manager & Head of Operations

Sarah can see things that others (and you) simply cannot see. Not only that, she can re-engineer your systems and processes to maximize productivity, growth and success. Her ability to design and execute 'best practice' in the Mortgage industry is legendary.